
  • 0 making you feel that something illegal is happening or that something is wrong -- 可疑的,引起懷疑的

    • His new book bears a suspicious resemblance to a book written by someone else. (= His book is so similar to the other book that it seems as if he has copied it.) 他的新書與別人寫的另外一本書內容雷同,令人生疑。

    • There's a suspicious-looking van parked at the end of the street. 路的盡頭停著一輛看起來很可疑的貨車。

    • There were some suspicious characters hanging around outside. 有些可疑的人在外面晃蕩。

    • It's a little suspicious that no one knows where he was at the time of the murder. 有點可疑的是,沒有人知道謀殺案發當時他在哪裡。

    • The fire at the bank is being treated as suspicious. 銀行起火這件事被認為相當可疑。

    • Her behaviour was very suspicious. 她的舉止相當可疑。

  • 1 feeling doubt or no trust in someone or something -- 懷疑的,猜疑的;不信任的

    • My mother has a very suspicious nature (= does not trust people). 我媽媽天生喜歡猜疑。

    • They are deeply/highly (= very) suspicious of one another/of each other's motives. 他們對彼此的動機都很懷疑。

    • His colleagues became suspicious (= thought that there was something wrong) when he did not appear at work, since he was always punctual. 他一向按時上班,所以當他沒有上班時,他的同事們起了疑心。



  • The other study [34] assessed 79 culture-negative cases classified by physicians as suspicious for meningococcal disease during a meningococcal vaccine field trial.

  • If all prefixes undergo a certain process, it would seem suspicious that they all happen to end with the same ghost consonant underlyingly.

  • However, for every suspicious person hidden from public view a replacement arrived from the countryside.

  • The presence of ductal enhancement warrants correlation with mammography to exclude suspicious calcifications and biopsy.

  • There is much evidence that people were suspicious of their neighbours and large numbers thought them untrustworthy (1998 : 181).

  • They might be suspicious that their responses might be relayed to the security apparati of a society.

  • Because memoirs are often the unconscious defences of the author's ego, historians are suspicious of them.

  • In this environment, individuals became suspicious and extremely cautious in their dealings, even with their kin.








