
  • 0 When a boat or a ship sails, it travels on the water. -- (船)航行,行駛

    • Their ship sails for Bombay next Friday. 他們的船下週五啓航去孟買。

    • She sailed around the world single-handed in her yacht. 她獨自一人駕駛帆船環遊了整個世界。

    • He sailed the dinghy up the river. 他駕駛小遊艇沿河逆流而上。

    • The ship was sailing to China. 這艘船開往中國。

    • As the battleship sailed by/past, everyone on deck waved. 戰艦駛過時,甲板上所有的人都揮手致意。

    • The boat sailed along/down the coast. 那艘船沿著海岸航行。

  • 1 to move quickly, easily, and (of a person) confidently -- 輕快地移動;(人)自信地行走

    • Manchester United sailed on (= continued easily) to victory in the final. 曼聯隊很輕鬆地取得了決賽的勝利。

    • He wasn't looking where he was going, and just sailed straight into her. 他走路時沒注意,和她撞個正著。

    • The ball went sailing over the fence. 球飛過了花園的圍欄。

  • 2 a sheet of material attached to a pole on a boat to catch the wind and make the boat move -- 帆

  • 3 a journey by boat or ship -- (乘船的)航行,航程

    • They set sail for France. 他們啓航駛往法國。

    • We set sail from Kuwait. 我們從科威特啓航。

    • It's two days' sail/It's a two-day sail (= a journey of two days by sea) from here to the nearest island. 從這裡坐船到最近的島嶼需要兩天航程。



  • However far utopian fiction sails into an imaginary future, it remains anchored to the room in which it is written.

  • He loved and still loves sports, sailing being one of his favorite hobbies.

  • There are then activities such as a rowing competition, sailing trip, speeches, and musical performances.

  • The model used here eliminates these difficulties, but it does still treat only twodimensional sails, and it does have physical limitations of its own.

  • The airfoil theory predicts some interesting characteristics of sails.

  • A nautical derivation would imply that sails are the only physical objects that flap agitatedly.

  • The language barrier proved to be insurmountable for the ship to be identified, and no action was deemed necessary once she had sailed off.

  • They could pay overbearing chiefs what they asked for, or they could set their outrigger sails to the wind and hope for the best.








