
  • 0 an occasion or situation that makes it possible to do something that you want to do or have to do, or the possibility of doing something -- 機遇,時機,機會;可能性

    • There are some great opportunities now for engineers trained in computer-aided design. 對受過電腦輔助設計訓練的工程師來說,現在有一些很好的就業機會。

    • opportunities for young graduates 年輕大學畢業生的就業機會

    • employment/job opportunities 就業機會

    • He had a golden (= an extremely good) opportunity to score in the first half but squandered it. 他在上半場時有一個絕佳的射門得分機會,可是給浪費掉了。

    • I used to love going out dancing, but I don't get much opportunity now. 我過去喜歡去劇院,但現在我沒有甚麼機會去。

    • He goes fishing at every opportunity (= as often as possible). 他一有機會就去釣魚。

    • formal Please contact us at the earliest opportunity (= as soon as possible). 請盡快和我們聯繫。

    • An ankle injury meant she missed the opportunity to run in the qualifying heat. 腳踝受傷意味著她失去了參加資格賽的機會。

    • [ + to infinitive ] The exhibition is a unique opportunity to see her later work. 這次展覽是欣賞她後期作品的難得機會。

    • I was never given the opportunity of going to college. 我從沒有得到過上大學的機會。

    • Everyone will have an opportunity to comment. 每個人都有機會發表意見。



  • The incentive to collect and return the item is effectively transferred to the agents with the lowest opportunity cost of time.

  • This restructuring provides the opportunity, as yet not fully achieved, of transferring resources between components of the healthcare system.

  • We look forward to the opportunities thus granted to us.

  • At the same time, urban life-styles and the acquisition of new rights and opportunities radically changed women's expectations and collective self-image.

  • Structural reforms associated with economic liberalization have important implications for employment creation and income opportunities.

  • This makes for a clear and straightforward historical materialist account (drawing largely on previously published sources), but also leads to missed opportunities.

  • What kinds of opportunities are there for developing symbolic competence?

  • First, how do the opportunities for private gain differ in different electoral systems?








