
  • 0 to smile while making sounds with your voice that show you think something is funny or you are happy -- (出聲地)笑,大笑

    • I laughed till I cried. 我笑得直流眼淚。

    • It was so funny, I burst out laughing (= laughed suddenly and loudly). 太有意思了,我放聲笑了出來。

    • It's very rare that a book is so good you actually laugh out loud. 一本能讓你笑出聲來的好書真是不多見。

    • She's so funny - she really makes me laugh. 她太有意思了——真讓我笑死了。

    • I said he'd have to give a talk and he laughed nervously. 我告訴他說他必須發言,他聽後緊張地笑了起來。

    • I couldn't stop laughing. 我情不自禁地笑個不停。

    • They laughed at her jokes. 聽了她講的笑話他們都笑了。

  • 1 the act or sound of laughing -- 笑;笑聲

    • You'd like Sharon - she's a good laugh. 你會喜歡莎倫的——她這個人很風趣。

    • "How was the party?" "Oh, it was a laugh." 「派對辦得怎麽樣?」「哦,相當好玩。」

    • I was embarrassed at the time, but I had a good laugh about it later. 那時我很尷尬,但過後卻覺得非常可笑。

    • a loud/nervous laugh 放聲大笑/緊張的笑



  • Schematic representation of laughing movements after presentation of an emotional stimulus.

  • A laughing young man modestly covers his mouth with his hand, but a buxom young woman laughs openly, showing her teeth.

  • At both firms many engineers laughed about these memberships, saying they were good for little more than an annual dinner and an occasional newsletter.

  • Ten weeks later a significant increase of laughing frequency and initial velocity during laughing was found.

  • We argued a bit and laughed a lot and the fire of his writing and character warmed my heart.

  • The performers continued, taking no notice, but the spectators could not help laughing merrily.

  • She is always laughing and telling experiences and anecdotes.

  • They were not; the paintings were laughing and the laughs had a subtle meaning.








