
  • 0 used when you are giving or asking for information that is completely correct -- 精確地;確切地;完全準確地

    • Answer the question - it's not exactly difficult. 回答這個問題——這個問題並不難啊。

    • "So you gave her your iPod?" "Not exactly, I lent it to her." 「那你把你的iPod給她了?」「也不是,我只是借給她。」

    • He's not exactly good-looking, but he has a certain attraction. 他不算英俊,但有一種魅力。

    • What exactly do you mean? 你究竟是甚麼意思?

    • Exactly how do you propose to achieve this? 你究竟打算怎樣做到這件事?

    • Do exactly what I tell you and no one will get hurt! 確實照我講的去做,就不會有人受傷!

    • "What you seem to be saying is that more should be invested in the road system and less in the railways." "Exactly" (= that is correct). 「你的意思好像是說應該在公路系統上多投資,而在鐵路系統上少投資。」「完全正確。 」

    • The building looks exactly as it did when it was built in 1877. 這座建築物看起來和1877年建成時完全一樣。

    • It tastes exactly the same as the real thing, but has half the fat. 它和真品的味道完全一樣,但脂肪含量卻只有一半。

    • That'll be £15 exactly, please. 剛好15英鎊,請付錢。

    • The journey took exactly three hours. 剛好是三個小時的路程。



  • Yes, cer tainly, but we cannot say which, and we cannot say definitively that either erupted exactly at those times.

  • What exactly induced such orthographic strategies remains unclear.

  • From more than 250 observations, we confirmed that within the classes, the teachers and the students followed the programs exactly.

  • After all, if we all did exactly the same thing, there would be no need for archaeological dialogues, and that would never do.

  • In fact, the population level (basis) for the current use prescription is surely not exactly observable due to its dependence on many different factors.

  • At the beginning of section 2, we formulate what we exactly need.

  • With regard to abstract syntax, the situation is exactly the opposite!

  • The explicit condition uses exactly the same input, but addresses the syntactic structures explicitly.








