
  • 0 to (cause something to) change from being open to not being open -- (使)關,合,關閉

    • We can't get a drink! It's after closing time. 我們喝不到酒了!已經打烊了。

    • The museum closes at 5.30. 博物館五點半閉館。

    • The banks had closed (to customers) so I couldn't get any money out. 銀行關門了,所以我取不了錢。

    • Close your eyes - I've got a surprise for you. 閉上眼睛——我有個驚喜給你。

    • Could you close the door/window please? 請關上門/窗,好嗎?

  • 1 to (cause something to) end -- (使)結束,(使)停止

    • We closed a deal with a major supermarket. 我們與一家大超市做成了一筆交易。

    • The factory closed over ten years ago. 這家工廠十幾年前就關閉了。

    • I closed that bank account when I came to London. 我一到倫敦就把那個銀行帳戶取消了。

    • The pound closed at (= was worth) $1.47 at the end of the day's trading. 英鎊在一天交易結束時收盤價為1.47美元。

    • She closed the meeting with a short speech. 她以簡短的講話結束了會議。

    • The play closed with the tragic death of both hero and heroine. 這部戲以男女主角的慘死告終。

  • 2 the end of something, or the time when you end it -- 末尾,結尾;結束,結局

  • 3 a road, usually with private houses, that vehicles can only enter from one end -- (通常通向私人住宅的)街道,死巷,死胡同

    • He lives at 83 Barker Close. 他住在巴克巷83號。

  • 4 having direct family connections or shared beliefs, support, and sympathy -- 近親的;密切的;團結的

    • My brother and I have become much closer over the years. 這些年,哥哥和我的關係親密多了。

    • Her relationship isn't good with her father, but she's very close to her mother. 她和父親的關係不好,可是和母親的關係非常親近。

    • Mira is one of my closest friends. 米拉是我的一位密友。

    • a close community 鄰里關係密切的社區

    • In those early months, there's a very close bond between mother and child. 在嬰兒出生後的頭幾個月,母嬰之間有一種非常親密的紐帶關係。

    • They're a worrying political party because of their close links/ties with terrorist groups. 這個政黨令人擔憂,因為他們與恐怖組織有密切聯繫。

    • There weren't many people at the funeral - just close family/relatives. 葬禮上沒有多少人——只有一些至親。

  • 5 looking at or listening to someone or something very carefully -- 細緻的,仔細的



  • This current cannot continue through the neighbouring poorly conducting parts of the wall, and therefore must close through the liquid, thereby forming the vortex.

  • The meaning of tables and figures and the argument in general demand close attention to the text, whose style tends to the abstract and convoluted.

  • Table 1) that determines how close two molecules or surfaces can get.

  • On closer viewing, the individual boards and the grain of the timber are revealed as traces of construction.

  • This partially explains the organization of domestic architectural spaces that are close to each other and contain a multifunctional space surrounding a courtyard.

  • Cases with ventricular septal defect which closed spontaneously have been removed from the analysis.

  • However, their closest collaborators remained and have acted as surrogate aristocrats.

  • The maximum position of the bremsstrahlung radiation cross-section gets closer to the target ion with increasing nonideal-plasma parameter.








