
  • 0 the process in which something such as information, money, or goods passes from one person to another -- (資訊)流傳,傳播;(貨幣或商品)流通

    • Exercise helps to improve circulation. 運動有助於促進血液循環。

    • The paper has a circulation of 150,000. 這份報紙發行量有15萬份。

    • figurative I hear she's out of circulation/back in circulation (= taking part/not taking part in social activities) after her accident. 我聽說車禍後她不參加/又回來參加社交活動了。

    • Add her name to the circulation list for this report (= the people who will be given it to read). 把她的名字加進這份報告的傳閱名單上。

    • Police have warned that there are a lot of fake £50 notes in circulation. 警方提醒說有大量50英鎊面額的假鈔在流通。



  • Although the neglect of ocean dynamics and deep thermohaline circulations probably affects some regional details of our results, the basic aspects are very likely to be robust.

  • Open squares, 1.4% isoflurane was delivered to both cranial and torso (spinal) circulations.

  • We simply need to collect all particular solutions in one vector and add multiples of the various elementary circulations, one for each cycle.

  • Dizygotic twins therefore preserve separate fetal placental circulations despite apparent placental fusion.

  • In almost all cases studied, placentas demonstrate superficial artery-to-artery and vein-to-vein communications between the acardiac and pump twin's circulations.

  • His abdominal ultrasound showed patent portal and hepatic venous circulations, as well as a patent inferior caval vein.

  • The age at presentation is strongly related with the degree of cyanosis, which depends on the amount of mixing between the systemic and pulmonary circulations.

  • Furthermore, the various rings differed in their displacements normal to the traverse line, in their circulations, and in their small-scale internal details.








