
  • 0 used to say that two or more people are next to each other and moving in the same direction -- (朝同一方向)並排而行;並肩而行

    • I try to keep abreast of any developments. 我努力了解所有新的進展情況。

    • The motorcyclist came abreast of her car and shouted abuse at her. 那個騎機車的人跟上來,與她的車並行著,對她破口大駡。

    • We were running/swimming two abreast. 我們倆並肩跑步/游泳。



  • Likewise, although it is difficult to stay abreast of rapidly changing developments in the pharmaceutical industry, the authors make no mention of the increasing availability of extended release preparations.

  • Recent work on the popular press, and on women's reading and writing, has come from literary scholars as much as from historians, and the author is abreast of both disciplines.

  • Finally, instructors should consider attending professional workshops and conferences whenever possible in an attempt to keep abreast with the most current research and practices in the field of language teaching.

  • To offer appropriate guidance to students, school of music staff need to be kept abreast of cultural industry knowledge and to maintain professional contact with the profession.

  • Nevertheless, incremental coverage decisions contribute to the overall social impact of genetic testing (and genomics), and evaluators should keep abreast of the evolving scholarship in the legal and social sciences.

  • Failure to keep abreast could lead to errors of judgement, and the loss of both empathy with the multiple clients and of ability to meet her own stringent targets.

  • She nevertheless stayed abreast of the latest developments in her field as a wr iter of textbooks.

  • The government certainly benefited from several sources of information from the various competing administrations to keep abreast of events in the departments.








