
These are word's definitions related to wrong. Click on any word to go to its word's detail page. Or, 更多关于wrong的信息


  • 0 not correct

    • Three of your answers were wrong. 你的回答中有三個是錯的。

    • That clock is wrong - it's 12.30, not 12.15. 那個時鐘不準——是12:30,不是12:15。

    • Some of his facts are questionable, others are plainly (= completely) wrong. 他提供的事實有些值得懷疑,其他的則完全錯誤。

    • You were wrong about the time - the bank closed at 3.30. 你把時間搞錯了——銀行三點半關門。

    • He's wrong in thinking that we will support the project financially. 他錯誤地以為我們會在資金上支持這個專案計劃。

    • I thought she couldn't do it, but she proved me wrong. 我原以為她做不來這���事,但她證明我錯了。

  • 1 not suitable or correct, or not as it should be

    • She's the wrong person for the job. 她不是這份工作的合適人選。

    • We must have taken a wrong turning. 我們一定是拐錯彎了。

    • I'm sorry, you've got the wrong number (= this is not the phone number you wanted). 對不起,您打錯電話了。

    • She got in with the wrong crowd (= a group of people who behaved badly) at university. 她上大學時結交了一群狐群狗黨。

    • You've been quiet all evening. Is there anything wrong? 你整晚都很沉默,有甚麼不順心的事嗎?

    • What's wrong with you today? 你今天怎麼了?

    • You've got your skirt on the wrong way round. 你把裙子反過來穿了。

  • 2 not considered morally acceptable by most people

    • Children should be taught that violence is wrong. 應該教育孩子暴力是不良行為。

    • It was wrong of her to lie to you. 她對你撒謊是不對的。

    • What's wrong with having a little fun? 找點樂趣有甚麼不對?

  • 3 not working correctly

    • Something's wrong with the television - the picture's fuzzy. 電視機出毛病了——圖像不清楚。

    • The doctors are still trying to find out what's wrong. 醫生仍在試圖找出問題的癥結。

  • 4 in a way that is not correct

    • You've spelled my name wrong. 你把我的名字拼寫錯了。

    • I spent hours doing that problem and I still got the answer wrong. 我花了好幾個小時解那道計算題,但還是做錯了。

    • You've got it all wrong - it was your boss that she was annoyed with and not you! 你完全理解錯了——讓她生氣的是你們老闆,而不是你!

    • Our marriage began to go wrong after we had our first child. 我們在有了第一個孩子之後,婚姻開始出現問題。

    • These shelves are very easy to put together - you can't go wrong. 這些架子很容易組裝——你不會弄錯的。

    • I thought I'd done this correctly - I just can't understand where I went wrong. 我以為自己這樣做是對的,我就是不明白錯在哪裡。

    • Our TV keeps going wrong. 我們的電視一直有毛病。

  • 5 what is considered to be morally unacceptable

    • He has no sense of right and wrong. 他沒有甚麼是非感。

    • I was brought up to tell the truth and know right from wrong. 我從小就受教育要說真話、明辨是非。

    • As far as her parents are concerned, she can do no wrong (= she is perfect in every way). 在她父母眼中,她是完美無瑕的。

    • He has done us a great wrong. 他大大冤枉了我們。

    • She was trying to right (= do something to make better) the wrongs of the past. 她試圖糾正過去的冤屈。

    • The driver was unquestionably in the wrong. 毫無疑問是那個司機不對。

  • 6 to treat someone in an unfair or unacceptable way








