
These are word's definitions related to while. Click on any word to go to its word's detail page. Or, 更多关于while的信息


  • 0 during the time that, or at the same time as

    • I read it while you were drying your hair. 在你吹亁頭髮的時候,我讀了它。

    • While I was in Italy I went to see Alessandro. 在義大利的時候,我去看望了亞歷山德羅。

    • I thought I heard him come in while we were having dinner. 我想在我們吃飯的時候,我聽見他進來了。

    • "I'm going to the post office." "While you're there can you get me some stamps?" 「我要去郵局。」「你去的時候幫我買些郵票好嗎?」

  • 1 despite the fact that; although

    • While I accept that he's not perfect in many respects, I do actually like the man. 雖然我承認他在很多方面不是那麼完美,但我實際上還是非常喜歡這個男人。

    • While I fully understand your point of view, I also have some sympathy with Michael's. 儘管我能完全理解你的觀點,但我在一定程度上也贊同麥克的觀點。

  • 2 compared with the fact that; but

    • He gets £50,000 a year while I get a meagre £20,000! 他每年賺五萬英鎊,而我只有可憐的兩萬!

    • Tom is very extrovert and confident while Katy's shy and quiet. 湯姆性格外向,非常自信,而凱蒂卻羞澀文靜。

    • I do all the housework while he just does the dishes now and again. 樣樣家務我都要做,而他卻只是偶爾洗洗碗而已。

  • 3 a length of time

    • I only stayed for a short while. 我就逗留了一小會。

    • You were there quite a while (= a long time), weren't you? 你在那裡留了很長時間,是不是?

    • "When did that happen?" "Oh, it was a while ago (= a long time ago). 「那是甚麼時候發生的?」「噢,是很久之前了。」

    • I haven't seen him for a while (= for a long time). 我已經很久沒見到他了。

    • I'll be fine in a while (= soon). 我很快就會好的。








