
These are word's definitions related to sorry. Click on any word to go to its word's detail page. Or, 更多关于sorry的信息


  • 0 feeling sadness, sympathy, or disappointment, especially because something unpleasant has happened or been done

    • I'm just sorry about all the trouble I've caused her. 我爲給她帶來的所有麻煩而感到抱歉。

    • He'd really upset her and he didn't seem at all sorry. 他確實惹惱了她,但他似乎一點也不感到愧疚。

    • [ + (that) ] I'm sorry (that) you had such a difficult journey. 你的旅程如此艱辛,我深表同情。

    • [ + to infinitive ] We were both sorry to hear you've been ill again. 聽說你又生病了,我們兩個都很難過。

    • I feel so sorry for their kids - it must be really hard for them. 我爲孩子們感到十分難過——對他們而言這肯定非常困難。

    • He sounded very sorry for himself on the phone. 他在電話裡聽起來一肚子怨氣。

    • I'm sorry to say that the project's funding has been cancelled. 我很遺憾,企劃案的資金被取消了。

    • Most people who start the exercise class do, I'm sorry to say, give up within the first two weeks. 我很遺憾,參加這門健身課的大多數人確實在頭兩周內就放棄了。

  • 1 used to say that you wish you had not done what you have done, especially when you want to be polite to someone you have done something bad to

    • Oh, I'm sorry - I didn't see you there. 哦,很抱歉——我在那裡沒看見你。

    • Tom, I'm so sorry about last night - it was all my fault. 湯姆,我對昨晚的事感到非常抱歉——都是我的錯。

    • I've said I'm sorry. 我已經說對不起了。

  • 2 used to show politeness when refusing something or disagreeing

    • I'm sorry, but I think you've made a mistake. 對不起,但我認爲你犯了一個錯誤。

    • I'm sorry, I can't agree. 很抱歉,我不能同意。

  • 3 a bad condition or situation

    • He was a sorry sight when he got home - soaking and covered in mud. 他到家的時候,一副慘兮兮的樣子——渾身濕透了,而且全身是泥。

    • It's a sorry situation when there isn't any food in the house. 家裡什麽吃的都沒有,真是夠可憐的。

  • 4 used when apologizing for something

    • "That's my foot you're stepping on." "Sorry!" 「你踩了我的腳。」「對不起!」

  • 5 used to show politeness when refusing something or disagreeing

    • Sorry, you can't go in there. 抱歉,你不能到那裡面去。

    • "He's late." "Sorry?" "I said he's late." 「他遲到了。」「你說什麽?」「我說他遲到了。」

    • Sorry, could you just say that last sentence again please? 我沒聽清楚,你能否把最後一句話重複一下?








