
These are word's definitions related to overflow. Click on any word to go to its word's detail page. Or, 更多关于overflow的信息


  • 0 When a liquid overflows, it flows over the edges of a container, etc. because there is too much of it.

    • The milk overflowed when I poured it into the jug. 我往壺裡倒牛奶的時候,牛奶溢了出來。

    • Because of heavy rain, the river may overflow its banks. 因為下大雨,河水可能會氾濫,漫過河岸。

    • Oh no, the sink is overflowing all over the floor. 啊呀,糟糕,水槽滿了,水流得滿地都是。

    • The bin was overflowing with rubbish. 垃圾箱裡的垃圾滿得裝不下了。

    • The bar was so full that people were overflowing into/onto the street. 酒吧裡人滿為患,顧客���直排到了街上。

    • His room is overflowing with books. 他的房間裡放滿了書。

    • UK The train was full to overflowing (= so full that there was not space for any more passengers). 火車上人滿為患。

    • Someone had filled the sink to overflowing. 不知誰把浴缸裡放滿水,都要溢出來了。

    • UK The sink was full to overflowing. 水槽滿了,都要溢出來了。

  • 1 If you overflow with thoughts or feelings, you express them strongly.

    • They were overflowing with emotion at the birth of their baby. 看到孩子出生,他們喜不自禁。

    • Suddenly, her anger overflowed. 突然,她怒氣沖天。

  • 2 an amount of liquid or number of people that cannot fit in a space

    • I put a bucket underneath to catch the overflow from the water tank. 我在底下放了一個桶來接水箱裡溢出的水。

    • We can't cope with this overflow of patients from the other hospitals. 我們無法安排從其他醫院轉過來的這麼多病人。

  • 3 a pipe that carries away water that is not needed








