
These are word's definitions related to due. Click on any word to go to its word's detail page. Or, 更多关于due的信息


  • 0 expected to happen, arrive, etc. at a particular time

    • What time is the next bus due? 下一班公車甚麽時候來?

    • The next meeting is due to be held in three months' time. 下次會議預計將在三個月後召開。

    • Their first baby is due in January. 他們的第一個孩子預產期在一月份。

    • You will receive notification of the results in due course. 到時候你會收到結果通知的。

  • 1 because of

    • A lot of her unhappiness is due to boredom. 她的不開心主要是因爲無聊。

    • The bus was delayed due to heavy snow. 公車因為大雪晚點。

  • 2 owed as a debt or as a right

    • The rent is due (= should be paid) at the end of the month. 租金應在月底交。

    • £50 is due to me (US due me) from the people I worked for last month. 上個月僱主欠我50英鎊。

    • Our thanks are due to everyone. 我們應該感謝每一個人。

    • UK law He was found to have been driving without due (= the necessary) care and attention. 他被發現未審慎駕駛。

    • I'm due for a promotion soon. 我應該很快升職了。

  • 3 said when you are praising someone for something good they have done, although you dislike other things about them

    • He failed again, but to give him his due, he did try hard. 他又失敗了,但說句公道話,他確實盡力了。

    • Members of the society pay $1,000 in annual dues. 這個社團的會員每年支付1000美元的會費。

  • 4 in a direction that is straight towards the north, south, east, or west

    • From here, you go due east until you get to the Interstate. 你從這裡朝正東走,一直走到一片州際公路。








