
Dette er ordets definitions relatert til with. Klikk på et hvilket som helst ord for å gå til ordets detaljside. Eller, gå til definisjonen av with.

Betydning av with på norsk

  • 0 indicates sb or sth has sth

  • 1 indicates people or things are together or do sth together

    • She’s outside with her friends. Hun er ute med vennene sine.

    • I work with three other people. Jeg jobber sammen med tre andre personer.

    • Don’t put the spoons with the knives. Ikke legg skjeene sammen med knivene.

  • 2 indicates what is used

    • Rub it with your finger tips. Gni den med fingertuppene dine.

    • The door only unlocks with the key. Døren kan bare åpnes med nøkkelen.

  • 3 indicates the way sth is done

  • 4 indicates toward who or what a feeling is directed

    • We’re very pleased with the progress he has made. Vi er veldig fornøyde med fremgangen han har gjort.

    • I was furious with her. Jeg var rasende på henne.

  • 5 indicates sth that is in or on sth

    • Her face was covered with insect bites. Ansiktet hennes var fullt av insektstikk.

    • Someone had filled my sneakers with sand! Noen hadde fylt joggeskoene mine med sand.

  • 6 as a result of, or because of

    • kids screaming with excitement unger som skriker av begeistring

  • 7 indicates sth done at the same time as another action

    • “Goodbye,” he said with a wave. “Farvel,” sa han med et vink.

  • 8 indicates sb’s body position

    • He stood there with his hands in his pockets. Han stod der med hendene i lommen.

  • 9 indicates sth relates to another thing

    • I’ve been having problems with my computer lately. Jeg har hatt problemer med datamaskinen min i det siste.

    • What’s wrong with you? Hva er i veien med deg?

  • 10 indicates people do things against each other

    • As kids we fought with each other. Som barn sloss vi mot hverandre.

    • He played backgammon with me. Han spilte backgammon med meg.

  • 11 in the company of; beside; among; including

  • 12 by means of; using

    • Mend it with this glue

    • Cut it with a knife.

  • 13 used in expressing the idea of filling, covering etc

    • Fill this jug with milk

    • He was covered with mud.

  • 14 used in describing conflict

  • 15 used in descriptions of things

  • 16 as the result of

  • 17 in the care of

  • 18 in relation to; in the case of; concerning

  • 19 used in expressing a wish

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May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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