reverse Définition En Français

  • 0 to change sth to make it the opposite from what it was before -- revenir sur

    • Management has since reversed its decision to fire him. La direction est depuis revenue sur sa décision de le renvoyer.

  • 1 to change the position of sth, so that it is in the opposite order -- inverser

    • Reverse the order of the first and second paragraphs. Inversez l’ordre des premier et second paragraphe.

  • 2 to move a vehicle backward -- faire marche arrière

    • Reverse the car into the garage. Entrez la voiture en marche arrière dans le garage.

    • Use your mirrors when reversing. Utilisez vos rétroviseurs quand vous faites marche arrière.

  • 3 the opposite -- le contraire

    • a picture of a swan with a poem on the reverse la photo d’un cygne avec un poème au verso

    • Everyone thought she hated him, but the reverse was true. Tout le monde pensait qu’elle le haïssait mais c’est le contraire qui était vrai.

  • 4 opposite -- inverse

    • in reverse order dans l’ordre inverse

  • 5 to move backwards or in the opposite direction to normal -- faire marche arrière, inverser


Examples of reverse

  • When it comes to taking action, however, the situation is often the reverse.

  • The reverse also applies for developing countries, of course.

  • Quite the reverse: the object is convergence, but in an upward direction.

  • It sends the wrong signals but, in reality, it changes too little; it does not change anything in the reverse direction.

  • But the reverse side of the coin is the project which we are discussing at the moment on the evaluation of a series of programmes related to transport.

  • Just imagine one of those 25-tonners coming round a bend in a small village, misjudging the bend and then trying to reverse!

  • Rather, it must be reversed.

  • The reverse is often true.




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