manage Définition En Français

  • 0 to be able to do successfully -- réussir

    • I’m not sure I can manage to finish this on time. Je ne suis pas sûr de réussir à finir ça à temps.

    • “Do you need some help?” “No thanks, I think I can manage (it).” “As-tu besoin d’aide ?” “Non merci, je pense que je peux y arriver.”

  • 1 to be in charge of -- diriger

    • My wife manages our finances. Mon épouse gère nos finances.

    • Who’s managing the project? Qui dirige ce projet ?

  • 2 to have enough money for the things you need to live -- se débrouiller

    • I have no idea how they manage on such a small salary. Je ne sais pas comment ils se débrouillent avec un aussi petit salaire.

  • 3 to be in control or charge of -- gérer, diriger

  • 4 to be manager of -- administrer

  • 5 to deal with, or control -- diriger

    • She’s good at managing people.


Examples of manage

  • However, many differences also result from the very emotional competition to claim leadership in managing international conflicts.

  • Municipalities, cities, communities, that is to say the places we call home, are given the right to manage their own affairs.

  • Right now, we have a heritage to manage if we are to pass it on.

  • The textiles and clothing industry is not an industry of the past whose gradual shrinkage needs to be managed as painlessly as possible.

  • Legalising illegal immigration will not solve any problems: managing immigration in accordance with a uniform set of rules even less so.

  • There were no provisions to handle a serious outbreak of disease and there were no proper financial controls to manage the outbreak.

  • The size, unpredictability and irrationality of the global foreign exchange markets have made it harder and harder to manage national and regional economies.

  • Institutions should manage this situation and suppliers should deduct their services.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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