fat Définition En Français

  • 0 (of a person) weighing more than normal -- gras/grasse

    • a big fat pig un gros cochon gras

    • Am I getting fat? Est-ce que je grossis ?

  • 1 thicker than normal -- épais/-aisse

    • a fat envelope stuffed with cash une enveloppe épaisse bourrée d’espèces

  • 2 (of an amount of money) large -- gros/grosse

  • 3 indicates you do not believe sth will happen -- ce serait étonnant

    • “Maybe she’ll keep it a secret.” “Fat chance!” “Peut-être est-ce qu’elle gardera le secret.” “Ce serait étonnant !”

  • 4 the yellowish soft substance under the skin -- graisse [ feminine ]

    • animals storing fat to keep them warm in winter les animaux stockant la graisse pour qu’elle leur garde chaud en hiver

  • 5 a substance in food that the body uses for energy -- graisse [ feminine ]

    • foods low in fat les aliments pauvres en graisse

    • too much fat in your diet trop de graisse dans votre alimentation


Examples of fat

  • Such fat is particularly nauseating.

  • If you want a label that you have helped choose to indicate high, medium or low sugar, salt or fat, you will vote for a system of colour coding.

  • It would be better here if we said that the only fat in milk replacer must come from the milk itself.

  • We obtained a total ban on all use of carcasses and parts of diseased animals either as protein meal or, above all, as fat.

  • Women are particularly affected by chemical pollution, because the fat in their bodies more readily absorbs dangerous substances.

  • If you really must have fat, then put the butter which has been removed back in or feed the milk straight to the animals.

  • For example, what is the fat content of the food with which the material comes into contact?

  • If ruminant fat is guaranteed free from proteins, it is also free from dioxins, cinolons etc.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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