cloud Définition En Français

  • 0 a white mass in the sky -- nuage [ masculine ]

    • rain clouds des nuages de pluie

  • 1 an amount of sth in the air -- nuage [ masculine ]

    • a cloud of dust un nuage de poussière

  • 2 to become dark and covered with clouds -- se couvrir

    • The sky had clouded over. Le ciel s’était couvert.

  • 3 to make sth complicated or confusing -- (em)brouiller

    • He allowed love to cloud his judgment. Il a laissé l’amour brouiller son jugement.

    • to cloud the issue embrouiller la question

  • 4 to make or become opaque -- embuer

    • His glasses clouded up in the steam. Ses lunettes se sont embuées dans la vapeur.

  • 5 a mass of tiny drops of water floating in the sky -- nuage


Examples of cloud

  • The rapport between them is as threatening as a violent storm cloud.

  • The volcano continues to be active, and recurrent closures of airspace continue to take place, depending on the weather conditions affecting the dispersion of the ash cloud.

  • There is huge concern for the effects of the volcanic cloud on the tourist industry.

  • What is clear is that the ash cloud has only delayed the pilots' strike which has been announced.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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