approach Définition En Français

  • 0 a way of doing sth -- approche [ feminine ]

    • Take a practical approach to the problem. Abordez le problème de façon pratique.

    • a new/modern approach une approche nouvelle/moderne

  • 1 [ singular ] the fact of coming closer in distance or time -- approche [ feminine ]

    • the train’s approach l’arrivée du train

    • the approach of spring l’approche du printemps

  • 2 the action of offering or proposing -- proposition [ feminine ]

    • to make an approach to the bank for financial assistance entreprendre une démarche auprès de la banque pour demander une aide financière

  • 3 to move closer in distance or time -- (s’)approcher de

  • 4 to come to sb with an offer -- proposer à

    • They approached her about working for them. Ils lui ont proposé de travailler pour eux.

  • 5 to deal with sb or sth in a particular way -- aborder

    • Try to approach customers with confidence. Essayez d’aborder les clients avec assurance.

    • It depends how you approach the problem. Ça dépend de la façon dont tu abordes le problème.


Examples of approach

  • Lastly, this proposal for a regulation provides for a more flexible approach, enabling sampling techniques to be used to estimate total landings.

  • For that reason the approach adopted by the rapporteur, which is the same approach we suggested in our proposal, is undoubtedly the right basis.

  • There would be frustrations and disappointments, which can be avoided by taking this approach.

  • We wish to keep to specific facts and tangible proposals in order to avoid approaching matters with slogans or ideologically.

  • From the political perspective, it is not just a flexing of moral muscles, nor should we approach this problem just out of guilt.

  • We must therefore approach this region with great sensitivity.

  • Therefore, a common sense approach is needed to these questions.

  • It is important to approach the issue from the angle that you have chosen, and you have put the accent on people.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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