appear Définition En Français

  • 0 to seem to be, or to look as if -- avoir l’air

    • It appears that she left yesterday. Il semble qu’elle soit partie hier.

    • There appears to have been a mistake. Il semble qu’il y ait eu une erreur.

    • He appeared tired and distracted. Il paraissait fatigué et distrait.

  • 1 to become visible -- apparaître

    • Clouds appeared in the sky. Des nuages sont apparus dans le ciel.

  • 2 to begin to exist -- apparaître

    • Stoves did not appear until the 18th century. Les poêles ne sont pas apparus avant le 18ème siècle.

  • 3 to come to a place -- arriver

    • He’ll appear late as usual. Il va arriver en retard comme d’habitude.

  • 4 to perform in public -- jouer

    • She appeared in a play on Broadway. Elle a joué dans une pièce sur Broadway.

  • 5 to come into view -- apparaître


Examples of appear

  • Once again it is being proven that the adversary, however strong he may appear, is not invincible.

  • And what about the other retainers who keep appearing there?

  • The report being debated, despite any good proposals by the rapporteur, who is trying to appear 'objective', basically sits squarely on the fence.

  • Every day, survey after survey appears, and they all contain different results.

  • Paradoxical though it may appear, the different positions expressed this evening did have one thing in common, and that is concern.

  • Yet these, too, will not just appear.

  • A consensus appears to be on the horizon on the need to harmonise, to set up a framework for the certification systems and arrive at mutual recognition between these systems.

  • So as not to appear to be the direct spokesperson for employers, the report tries to include some social clauses.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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