Significado de get on en español

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get on Definición y significado

  • 0 If two or more people get on, they like each other and are friends. -- llevarse bien

    • Karen and Dianne don’t get on.

  • 1 to manage or deal with a situation -- desenvolverse

    • How are you getting on in your new job?

  • 2 to move into a bus, train, airplane, etc. -- subir

    • Buy your ticket before getting onto the bus. Compra tu tíquet antes de subir al autobús.

  • 3 to be chosen to be part of -- ser cogido en

    • I got on the football team! Me cogieron en el equipo de fútbol!

  • 4 to make progress or make an effort to make progress -- ponerse

    • Stop chatting and get on with some work. Deja de chatear y ponte a trabajar.

    • How did you get on at the interview today? ¿Cómo te ha ido la entrevista de hoy?


Daily Sentence

We can complete it step by step however long the road is and it can't be completed however short the road is if you don't even mark your footprint.

Podemos completarlo paso a paso, por muy largo que sea el camino, y no se puede completar, por corto que sea el camino, si ni siquiera marcas tu huella.

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