trash Definición En Español

  • 0 things that you throw away because you do not want them -- basura

  • 1 something that is of bad quality -- bazofia

  • 2 things that have been thrown away such as old papers, food, etc. -- basura [ feminine, singular ]

    • I put the old one in the trash. Voy a tirar el viejo a la basura.

    • Where do you put the trash? ¿Dónde dejas la basura?

  • 3 sth of very low quality -- basura [ feminine, singular ]

    • silly teenage magazines and that kind of trash revistas de adolescentes tontos y ese tipo de basura

  • 4 to completely destroy sth -- destrozar

    • They had a party and trashed his parent’s house. Hicieron una fiesta y destrozaron la casa de sus padres.

  • 5 to severely criticize sb or sth -- criticar

    • people who are always trashing politicians personas que siempre están vríticando políticos
