sweet Significado & definición

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Significado de sweet en español

  • 0 with a taste like sugar -- dulce

    • The sauce was too sweet.

  • 1 attractive, often because of being small -- mono

    • Look at that sweet little puppy!

  • 2 kind -- amable

    • It was really sweet of you to come.

  • 3 a small piece of sweet food, often made of sugar or chocolate -- caramelo, golosina

  • 4 sweet food eaten at the end of a meal -- postre

  • 5 tasting like sugar -- dulce [ masculine-feminine ]

    • The tea was very sweet. El té era muy dulce.

    • a sweet fruity dessert un dulce postre afrutado

  • 6 (of a sound or smell) pleasant -- dulce

  • 7 (of a person) kind -- amable

    • Thank you! You’re so sweet! ¡Gracias! ¡Eres muy amable!

  • 8 making you feel happy -- dulce

    • sweet success dulce éxito

    • Goodnight. Sweet dreams. Buenas noches. Dulces sueños.

  • 9 cute -- mono / mona [ masculine-feminine ]

    • What a sweet baby girl! ¡Qué niñita más mona!

  • 10 to like sweet foods very much -- goloso / golosa

    • I’ve always had a sweet tooth. Siempre he sido golosa.

  • 11 sb’s slow way of doing sth -- en su debido tiempo

    • He’ll get here in his own sweet time. Llegará aquí en su debido tiempo.

  • 12 a piece of candy -- dulce [ masculine ]

    • a package of sweets un paquete de dulces

  • 13 dessert -- postre [ masculine ]

    • Our sweet after dinner was a rich trifle. Nuestro postre después de la cena fue una espesa bagatela.

Más definiciones de sweet

Ejemplos de sweet

  • Well, that was a very short answer, but not very sweet.

  • Sandwiches and soft drinks, sweets and snacks should not be consumed every day and a sedentary lifestyle does nothing for your health.

  • More fruit, better exercise and fewer sweets are issues that are much better dealt with by schools, parents and local politicians.

  • We must not allow food with undesirable characteristics, food which is too sweet, too fat or too salty, to put on a cloak of good health.

  • His contribution was short and sweet but at this stage most of the talking has been done.

  • Perhaps on the last day there will also be a bag of sweets.

Más ejemplos de sweet

Traducciones de sweet en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    味道, (尤指食物或飲料)甜的, 愉快的…

  • 中文简体

    味道, (尤指食物或饮料)甜的, 愉快的…

  • Português

    doce, gracioso, bonitinho…

  • 日本語

    甘い, 甘味のある, かわいい…

  • Türk dili

    tatlı, hoş, sevimli…

  • Français

    sucré/-ée, agréable, gentil/gentille…

  • Catalan

    dolç, bufó, amable…

  • العربية

    حُلو المَذاق, جَذّاب, لَطيف…

Más traducciones de sweet