overlap Significado & definición

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Significado de overlap en español

  • 0 If two subjects or activities overlap, they are the same in some way. -- coincidir

  • 1 If two objects overlap, part of one covers part of the other. -- solaparse

  • 2 the fact of two things overlapping -- superposición, coincidencia

  • 3 (of one object) to cover part of another -- solapar

  • 4 (of two objects) to cover part of each other -- solaparse

    • The two fabrics overlap slightly. Las dos telas se solapan ligeramente.

  • 5 to use or include some of the same ideas, activities, etc. -- coincidir

    • The two classes are designed to overlap, in terms of subject matter. Las dos clases están diseñadas para coincidir, en términos de materia.

Más definiciones de overlap

Ejemplos de overlap

  • The river between the two towns and their surroundings must become a place of cultural exchange and cultural overlap.

  • One might wonder, however, if this procedure will not result in a certain kind of overlap.

  • This may lead to rules that overlap.

  • We have, to the very highest degree, not only an overlapping history and geography but also a shared experience of the present.

  • These two proposals therefore overlap.

  • At both levels we need to set clear targets and timetables, as the rapporteur has pointed out and, more to the point, we need policies which are coordinated without overlapping.

  • I understand the answer to mean that there could be a situation where there is a period of overlap because there is insufficient information.

  • There is an inevitable, indeed necessary, area of overlap with existing instruments.

Más ejemplos de overlap

Traducciones de overlap en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    (與…)交疊,(與…)部分重疊,疊蓋, (活動、課程或時間)互相重疊,有共同之處, (足球)疊瓦式跑動,疊加式跑動…

  • 中文简体

    (与…)交叠,(与…)部分重叠,叠盖, (活动、课程或时间)相互重叠,有共同之处, (足球)叠瓦式跑动,叠加式跑动…

  • Português

    coincidir, sobrepor-se, justapor…

  • 日本語

    ~が重複する, ~が重なり合う, 重複…

  • Türk dili

    örtüşmek, benzeşmek, birbiri üstüne binmek…

  • Français

    recouvrir partiellement, se chevaucher, se recouper…

  • Catalan

    coincidir, superposar-se, superposició…

  • العربية

    يَتداخَل, يَتشابَك, تَداخُل…

Más traducciones de overlap