
  • En [ peɪ]
  • Us [ peɪ]


  • 0 to give money to someone for something you want to buy or for services provided -- 付费;付酬

    • How much did you pay for the tickets? 你买那些票花了多少钱?

    • I pay my taxes. 我缴付税款。

    • [ + two objects ] I'll pay you the fiver back tomorrow. 我明天还你那5英镑。

    • I paid the driver (in/with) cash. 我付给司机现金。

    • Would you prefer to pay with/by cash, cheque, or credit card? 你喜欢用现金、支票还是信用卡支付?

    • [ + obj + to infinitive ] I think we'll need to pay a builder to take this wall down. 我想我们得雇个建筑工人来把这面墙推倒。

    • Did Linda pay you for looking after her cats while she was away? 琳达出门时让你替她照看她的猫,有没有付钱给你?

    • I paid (out) a lot of money to get the washing machine fixed and it still doesn't work! 我花了一大笔钱修洗衣机,结果还是不能用!

    • The advertising should pay for itself. 这则广告所带来的收益应该能够本。

  • 1 to give money to someone for work that they have done -- 付钱(给…),支付(…)报酬

    • The company pays its interns $4,000 a month. 这家公司给实习生每个月4千美元的报酬。

    • We pay €200 a day for this kind of work. 这样的工作我们每天付200欧元。

    • Accountancy may be boring but at least it pays well. 当会计可能很乏味,但至少收入可观。

    • Most of these women are very poorly paid and work in terrible conditions. 这些妇女大多工资很低,且工作条件恶劣。

  • 2 to give a profit or advantage to someone or something -- 有收益,有利可图,有好处

    • It never pays to take risks where human safety is concerned. 凡是涉及人身安全时,冒险决不会有什么好处。

  • 3 to give or do something -- 给予,致以;进行

    • The commander paid tribute to the courage of his troops. 司令员高度赞扬了部队官兵的勇敢无畏。

    • It's always nice to be paid a compliment. 被人赞扬总是件好事。

    • A crowd of mourners gathered to pay their respects to the dead man. 一群哀悼者聚集在一起向死者告别。

    • You weren't paying attention to what I was saying. 你没有注意听我的话。

    • I'll pay you a call when I'm in the area. 我到这一带来时会去拜访你的。

    • We thought we'd pay a visit to the museum while we were in Lisbon. 我以为在里斯本时我们会去参观那家博物馆。

    • If you leave your address, I'll pay a call on you when I'm in the area. 如果你留下地址,我到这一带来时会去拜访你的。

  • 4 the money you receive for doing a job -- 工资,薪金

    • It's a nice job but the pay is appalling. 这份工作不错,但工资低得不像话。



We can complete it step by step however long the road is and it can't be completed however short the road is if you don't even mark your footprint.









