
  • 0 a visit to a place or area, especially one during which you look around the place or area and learn about it -- 参观;游历,观光

    • The England cricket team is on tour in Pakistan. 英格兰板球队正在巴基斯坦打巡回比赛。

    • She is performing in Birmingham tonight, on the third leg of (= stage of) her nationwide tour. 她今晚将在伯明翰演出,这是她全国性巡回演出的第3站。

    • The Queen is making a two-week tour of Australia. 女王将到澳大利亚进行为期两周的巡访。

    • a lecture/concert tour 巡回演讲/音乐会

    • Tour operators (= companies which arrange holidays for people) have reported a drop in sales. 旅行社称预订旅游的人数减少了。

    • They've just come back from a tour of (UK also round) California's wine country. 他们刚从加州的酿酒区旅行回来。

    • a cycling tour of Provence 在普罗旺斯骑自行车旅游

    • a tour guide 导游

    • A bus took us on a sightseeing tour of the city. 一辆公共汽车载着我们游览了这座城市。

    • We went on a guided tour of the cathedral/museum/factory. 我们在导游的带领下参观了大教堂/博物馆/工厂。

  • 1 to go on a tour somewhere -- (到…)旅行,游历;(到…)巡回比赛,巡视

    • The play will be performed first in the capital, and will then tour the rest of the country. 这出戏将在首都首演,然后到国内其他地方巡回演出。

    • The band is currently touring to promote the new album. 该乐队目前正在各地巡回,推广他们的新唱片。

    • The president toured US military bases yesterday. 总统昨天巡视了美国军事基地。

    • The New Zealand team will be touring (in) Europe this winter. 今年冬天新西兰队将去欧洲参加一系列巡回赛。

    • [ + prep ] We spent a month touring (around/round/in) Kenya. 我们在肯尼亚各地游玩了一个月。



  • When not touring he worked in bars and nightclubs, playing jazz and popular music.

  • As the final chords rang round the auditorium, the entire school rose in rapturous applause; the tour had started well.

  • I briefly toured with them as master carpenter and property master.

  • No catch for two weeks, all staff being on tour elsewhere on the line.

  • Provided with an itinerary of the route, a local listener can easily follow the tour, and others can imagine similar scenes.

  • In other words, the marketplace audience has met the touring company halfway.

  • The present tour was made up of 24 performances and 27 sessions for education and training activities involving 308 participants.

  • In this situation corporate sponsorship has helped promoters put on larger, more frequent tours, many of which would previously have been far too expensive.








