
  • 0 the written words in a book, magazine, etc., not the pictures -- (书、杂志等中区别于图片的)正文,文字材料

    • "Ulysses" is a set text for the exam. 《尤利西斯》为考试指定的必读书。

    • Can we see the full text of your speech before Tuesday? 我们能在周二前看到你演讲的全文吗?

    • I'll send you a text as soon as I have any news. 我一得到任何消息,就立刻给你发短信。

    • The book has 500 pages of text. 这本书正文有500页。

  • 1 to send someone a text message by phone -- 给(某人)发短信

    • I texted her to arrange a time to meet. 我给她发了短信,和她约好见面时间。



  • As a result, students were often able to read and understand texts, but they could not per form in the language they were studying.

  • The writing style is clear and straightforward and the text is liberally illustrated with figures.

  • Although acknowledging scholarship that challenges the reading of texts about women as straightforward evidence of female piety, he chooses to do so anyway.

  • The meaning of tables and figures and the argument in general demand close attention to the text, whose style tends to the abstract and convoluted.

  • The result is a mass of quantitative material, covered in 159 statistical tables, with much more data included in the text.

  • These sources, both linguistic (intraand interlingual) and extralinguistic, represent the learners' own knowledge interacting with cues from the words themselves and the surrounding text.

  • It has been noted that social reconstructions from these texts vary in a surprising number of ways.

  • From each of these four programs and for each grade, three reading texts were selected at random.








