
  • 0 If a liquid splashes or if you splash a liquid, it falls on or hits something or someone. -- (使)(液体)洒,溅,泼

    • The kids were splashing (about/around) in the shallow end of the swimming pool. 孩子们在游泳池的浅水区戏水。

    • She poured a large gin and splashed soda into it from a siphon. 她倒了一大杯杜松子酒,然后从苏打水瓶里倒了些苏打水掺进去。

    • She splashed her face with cold water. 她往脸上撩了些冷水。

    • Unfortunately some paint splashed onto the rug. 糟糕的是小地毯上溅上了一些油漆。

    • Water was splashing from a hole in the roof. 水从屋顶的洞里泼溅下来。

  • 1 to print or show something in a very noticeable way -- 在显著位置刊登;显眼地展示

  • 2 a small amount of a liquid that has fallen or been dropped -- 溅上的液体;洒上的液体

    • We heard a splash and then saw that Toni had fallen in the river. 我们听到扑通一声,接着就看到托尼掉到了河里。

    • There were several splashes of white paint on the carpet. 地毯上溅有几点白色的油漆。

  • 3 something or someone bright or very noticeable -- 亮色,亮点;引人注目的人(或物)



  • The velocity after the splash is controlled by the radial laser intensity profile (see).

  • There have been no big media splashes, no major festivals of his music - in any case, these would be quite out of keeping with its self-effacing nature.

  • Footsteps, engines, birds, animals and splashing rain are but a few categories of natural sound sources that each have their own set of behavioural and synthesis modelling complexities.

  • Both tasks are uncontrolled manual processes and there is the potential for skin exposure from splashes and sprays and inhalation exposure due to vaporization of bulk chemical from open containers.

  • Who hasn't seen images of gang-related violence splashed all over the evening news?

  • On the empty platform, costumes were individual splashes of colour and the composite picture was always vivid and could be splendid.

  • He is in the bathroom as the scene opens, splashing water on his face.

  • I shall advise my librarian that there is little to be gained by splashing out on the third edition.








