
  • 0 to give an answer to a particular question when you do not have all the facts and so cannot be certain if you are correct -- 猜测,推测,估计

    • [ + (that) ] I guess (that) things are pretty hard for you now. 我想你现在的日子很不好过吧。

    • Guess what? We won the game 4–0. 你猜怎么着?我们4比0赢了比赛。

    • "You have a new job, don't you?" "Yes, how did you guess?" “你换新工作了,是不是?”“对呀,你怎么猜出来的?”

    • She guessed the answer on her first try. 她第一次就猜中了答案。

    • [ + question word ] I bet you can't guess how old he is. 我打赌你猜不出他多大了。

    • I guessed the total amount to be about £50,000. 我估计总额约为5万英镑。

    • She asked me to guess her age. 她让我猜她的年龄。

    • [ + (that) ] I guessed (that) she was your sister. 我猜她是你妹妹。

    • [ + question word ] Guess when this was built. 猜一猜这是什么时候建造的。

    • On the last question, she guessed right/wrong. 最后一道题她猜对/错了。

    • I didn't know the answer, so I had to guess. 我不知道答案,所以只好猜了。

  • 1 an attempt to give the right answer when you are not certain if you are correct -- 猜测,推测

    • "So what's going to happen now?" "That's anyone's guess." “那现在又会发生甚么呢?”“那谁知道。”

    • "I wonder why she's not here." "My guess is that her car has broken down." “我纳闷她为什么不在这儿。”“我猜她的车抛锚了吧。”

    • Both teams made some wild guesses (= made without much thought), none of which were right. 两个队都是瞎猜一通,没有一个猜对的。

    • Go on - have/make a guess. 来啊——猜一猜嘛。



  • Effects of prior guessing on intentional and incidental paired-associate learning.

  • Patterns and perils of guessing in second language reading.

  • In short, guessing from context has serious limitations.

  • Post-hoc tests showed that the six- to seven-year-olds guessed fewer correct phonemes than all other groups.

  • However, guessing is not so simple for large programs where higher-order functions (such as map) are called repeatedly with different higher-order arguments each time.

  • From guessing what teachers think to finding out what teachers know.

  • Users do not just make guesses based on frequency of word combinations.

  • I sat through rehearsal after rehearsal trying to think ahead of her and guessing what the next instruction would be.








