
  • 0 to give a quick short look -- 瞥一眼,迅速地看一眼,扫视

    • Could you glance over/through this letter and see if it's alright? 你能不能看一下这封信,看看写得行不行?

    • He glanced up from his book as I passed. 我走过的时候,正埋头读书的他抬头瞥了我一眼。

    • She glanced around/round the room to see who was there. 她扫视了一眼房间,看看谁在里面。

  • 1 to shine, reflect light, or sparkle -- 闪耀,闪光,闪烁

    • The sunlight glanced on the lake. 湖面上波光粼粼。

  • 2 a quick short look -- 瞥一眼,迅速地看一眼,扫视

    • At first glance I thought it was a dog (but I was mistaken). 乍一看我还以为是一条狗呢(但是我看走眼了)。

    • He could tell at a glance that something was wrong. 他一眼就看出问题了。

    • She took/cast a glance at her watch. 她看了一下手表。



  • The "no veiled future" that "dimly glanced" makes manifest, among other things, that there is no future because his being is, at this moment, already completely determined by his future.

  • While this is a book that only occasionally glances toward the nineteenth century, it is one that all gender critics will wish to read and reflect upon.

  • We need to study successful and unsuccessful viewing (and/or film editing) over multiple glances, just as we need research on effects of stimulus information within a single presentation.

  • Infrequently, they also glanced at the experimenter.

  • While the conclusion's examinations of several writers ' ' glancing back ' ' on promiscuity's ' ' golden age ' ' in the 1970s diminishes this criticism, those retrospective texts necessarily say something different.

  • We also found that lateral glances are frequently associated with the presence of a moving object, either the child's own fingers, a manipulated object, or a surrounding moving object.

  • Status-conscious gallants sought out the envious glances of those too poor to afford their finery.

  • In the next section this method is extended to the asymmetrical case of glancing impact.








