
  • 0 one of the two organs in your face that are used for seeing -- 眼睛

    • He closed his eyes and went to sleep. 他合上眼睡着了。

    • She's got beautiful green eyes. 她有一双漂亮的绿色眼睛。

    • He has no sight in his left eye. 他左眼失明。

  • 1 a dark spot on a potato or similar plant part, from which a new stem and leaves will grow -- (马铃薯或者类似植物的)芽眼

  • 2 the hole in a needle through which you put the thread -- 针眼,针鼻

  • 3 to look at someone or something with interest -- (饶有兴趣地)看,注视

    • She eyed me warily. 她警惕地看着我。

    • I could see her eyeing my lunch. 我看到她饶有兴趣地看着我的午饭。



  • Additionally, in related utterances, the adults spoke directly to the child as evidenced by their chosen words, eye gaze, body orientation, and gestures.

  • It is however unclear how and why eye movements would depend on spatial frequency and contrast in order to account for the observed results.

  • Fish were transferred serially such that eyes could be sampled after periods of 0, 2, 5, 10, and 20 days of exposure.

  • The tests were carried out as the last of a battery of eye-movement tasks, including smooth pursuit and prosaccade tasks.

  • Thus is the eye trained to see similarities and differences.

  • In these cases, strong responses differ substantially in measured amplitude in a way that is most readily explained as the result of eye-movements.

  • It takes that sort of time for things that are under your eyes to become disposable within culture.

  • If the sight of it and similar hieroglyphics offends your eye, then this is not the book for you.








