
  • 0 near the beginning of a period of time, or before the usual, expected, or planned time -- 早期的,初期的;在早期,在初期;提早(的),提前(的)

    • I'm very busy, so I won't be with you till four o'clock at the earliest. 我太忙了,最早也得到4点才能见你。

    • Here's a dish I prepared earlier (= I made a short time ago). 这是我刚做好不久的一道菜。

    • These are some of my early (= first) attempts at sculpture. 这些是我最初尝试雕塑创作时的一些习作。

    • My earliest (= first) memory is of being shown around our new house. 我最早的记忆是被带着看我们的新家。

    • Henry Ford was a pioneer during the early days/years of car manufacture. 亨利·福特是早期汽车制造业的先驱。

    • It's a little early to be sowing carrot seeds, isn't it? 现在种胡萝卜还太早,不是吗?

    • He learned to read at the early age of three. 他早在3岁时就学会认字了。

    • She was a poet living in the early 15th century. 她是一位生活在15世纪初期的诗人。

    • I'm going to have an early night (= go to sleep before my usual time). 我要早睡。

    • I hate having to get up early (in the morning). 我讨厌(早晨)不得不早起。

    • They scored two goals early (on) in the game. 他们在开赛不久就进了两个球。

    • I like being a little early for interviews. 每次去参加面试,我都喜欢提前一会儿到。

    • If you arrived earlier, you'd have more time. 如果早一点到,你就会有更多的时间。

    • If you finish early you can go home. 如果提前完成你可以回家。



  • Thus, both the year offsets and two scribal errors suggest the existence of an earlier document.

  • With the techniques of the earlier sections, we are able to solve these initial boundary value problems explicitly.

  • When such members lost, they were much less likely to lose to another non-conformist in the 1980s and 1990s than in earlier decades.

  • The bidder had made the same bid in an earlier round.

  • Many of our semantic techniques originate in earlier studies of the -calculus.

  • We also provide a detailed comparison of our results with those in the earlier literature that studies the dynamics of the home sector.

  • We lack the quantitative data from earlier par ts of the 20th century that would conclusively suppor t the diachronic account just outlined.

  • In the earliest dances various metres and forms are employed.








