
  • 0 to be brave enough to do something difficult or dangerous, or to be rude or silly enough to do something that you have no right to do -- 敢于;胆敢;竟敢

    • [ + to infinitive ] He was under attack for daring to criticize the mayor. 他因为敢于批评市长而受到攻击。

    • I'd never dare (to) talk to my mother the way Brandon talks to his. 我永远也不敢像白兰度对他母亲讲话那样跟我母亲说话。

    • UK Do you dare (to) tell him the news? 你敢告诉他这个消息吗?

    • UK I daren't think how much it's going to cost. 我没敢想那要花多少钱。

    • I don't dare think how much it's going to cost. 我没敢想那要花多少钱。

    • Dare you tell him the news? 你敢告诉他这个消息吗?

    • [ + infinitive without to ] I wouldn't dare have a party in my flat in case the neighbours complained. 我可不敢在公寓里举行聚会,以免邻居们不满。

    • [ + (to) infinitive ] Everyone in the office complains that he smells awful, but nobody dares (to) mention it to him. 办公室里人人都在抱怨说他身上有股难闻的气味,可是却又没人敢跟他说。

    • I was going to ask if his dog was better, but I didn't dare in case she had died. 我本想问问他的狗好些没有,可是又怕那狗已经死掉了,所以没敢问。

  • 1 to ask someone to do something that involves risk -- 向…挑战;问…有没有胆量(做);(用激将法)激

  • 2 something you do because someone dares you to -- 在激将法的作用下做出的事,应他人挑战而做出的事

    • He jumped in the river at twelve o'clock last night as (also US on/UK for) a dare. 昨晚12点他受别人的激将跳进了河里。



  • He formulated the project of composing some; he dared to be a creator.

  • Ultimately the two societies, through confrontation and co-operation, remained more closely entwined than either would have cared or dared to admit.

  • The upshot is that anyone who dares to question any item in these tables has to redo the entire research for themselves.

  • I dare say specialists in other fields could find aspects to pick on too.

  • He brings in the nation-state, national literatures, the debts to revolutions and the shared, daring belief in progress.

  • Until very recently, indirect communication about 'the love that dares not speak its name' has been normative in most settings.

  • There are still small differences both between models and variables, so one would not dare to draw any conclusion, if the two patterns were close.

  • Without knowing more about the particulars -for instance, about engineers'concepts of pendulums - one cannot dare to give a definitive answer in this case.








