
These are word's examples related to reform. Click on any word to go to its word's detail page. Or, 更多关于reform的信息


  • He was given licence to reform the organization.

  • The president is preparing for a showdown with his advisers over his plans to reform the economy.

  • He was credited with having reformed the education system.

  • The government is in the process of reforming the benefits system.

  • On leaving jail, Joe determined to reform.

  • Political reform and economic liberalization don't always go together.

  • An avowed traditionalist, he is against reform of any kind.

  • The education system in Britain was crying out for reform.

  • The reform process was put in train in 1985, by the Liberal government.

  • The political reforms have led to major structural changes in the economy.

  • However, rural reform has not abolished such ruralism but replaced it with its own version.

  • The politically popular fertilizer subsidies are generally disappointing and should be replaced by market-smart grants or by institutional reforms.

  • They attribute this result to certain reforms of the party's nominating process.

  • It fails to demonstrate how identity constrains paths to social reform.

  • Perhaps a clearer way to assess the impact of a pension reform could use ' ' typical ' ' career earnings paths, holding constant overall contributions.

  • The paradox is that welfare reform reduces the scale of government in one sense but expands it in another.

  • The prevailing dynamic of party clientelism has remained untouched, limiting the prospects for effective, far-reaching reform.

  • They were mutually dedicated to reforming institutions and removing privileges that they regarded as impediments to growth and stability.

  • Some advocates of reform stressed the desirability of adding new subjects to the curriculum, including modern sciences.

  • Technical regulation and enforcement may have actually declined in effectiveness until recent reforms were implemented.

  • Despite the variety of systems, the objectives guiding these reforms have been rather similar.

  • The system's popularity among voters is so great, that many perceive program reform as tantamount to touching the ' ' third rail ' ' of politics.

  • Structural reforms, however, take decades before their full effects are felt.

  • Most of the major structural reforms have been passed with the non-socialist opposition.

  • They include structural adjustment reforms, road sector reform, banking sector reform, agricultural sector reform, land sector reform, and tax reform.









