
These are word's definitions related to whatever. Click on any word to go to its word's detail page. Or, 更多关于whatever的信息


  • 0 it is not important what is; it makes no difference what (is)

    • We'll go whatever the weather. 无论天气怎样我们都要去。

    • Whatever happens, you know that I'll stand by you. 你知道无论发生什么,我都会支持你。

    • Whatever else may be said of him, Mr Meese is not scared of a fight. 无论别人还说他什么,米斯先生并不害怕打上一架。

    • Whatever the outcome of the war, there will be no winners. 无论战争的结果如何,谁都不会是胜利者。

    • Whatever the reason, more people are emigrating to Australia today than at any time since the 1950s. 不论出于什么原因,如今移民澳大利亚的人比20世纪50年代以来的任何时候都要多。

  • 1 anything or everything

    • I eat whatever I want and I still don't seem to put on weight. 我想吃什么就吃什么,仍然不见体重有所增长。

    • "What can we do tonight?" "It's up to you - whatever you want." “那我们今天晚上做什么呢?”“由你决定──你想做什么都可以。”

    • Whatever I say I always seem to get it wrong. 无论我说什么,似乎总是说错。

    • Don't, whatever you do, tell Patrick (= you certainly should not tell him). 无论做什么,千万别告诉帕特里克。

    • Do whatever you want - it won't affect me. 你想做什么就做什么吧——不会影响到我的。

    • "So, I'll bring red wine." "Sure, whatever (= bring that or anything else)." “那么我就带红酒来了。”“当然可以,带什么都行。”

    • Apparently he "discovered himself" in India, whatever that means (= I do not know what that means). 显然他在印度“发现了自己”,不管那究竟意味着什么。

  • 2 used instead of the word "what" to add emphasis to a phrase, usually expressing surprise

    • Whatever is he doing with that rod? 他拿着那根竿子到底在做什么?

    • Whatever's that yellow thing on your plate? 你盘子里那团黄色的东西到底是什么?

    • Whatever did you say that for? 你说那种话到底是为什么?

    • Whatever does she see in him - he's horrible! 她究竟看中了他什么——他真让人反感!

    • Whatever made him buy that jacket? 他怎么买了那件夹克衫?

  • 3 →  whatsoever

    • There is no evidence whatever to show that this is in fact the case. 根本就没有任何证据表明这就是实际情况。

  • 4 something that is said to show no respect to someone who is asking you to agree with them or agree to do something

    • "Bryce, could you do what I ask you to once in a while?" "Whatever." “布赖斯,我要你做的事你能不能偶尔做一次?”“无所谓。”








