
These are word's definitions related to such. Click on any word to go to its word's detail page. Or, 更多关于such的信息


  • 0 used before a noun or noun phrase to add emphasis

    • That's such a good film. 那部电影真不错。

    • It seems like such a long way to drive for just one day. 一天之内要开这么远的路好像不太可能。

    • You're such an idiot! 你真是个白痴!

    • Such cruelty really is beyond my comprehension. 如此残忍真是让我无法理解。

    • It was such a small room that the bed only just fit. 那个房间实在太小了,刚够放进去一张床。

  • 1 of a particular or similar type

    • Small companies such as ours are very vulnerable in a recession. 像我们这样的小公司在经济不景气的时候非常容易受影响。

    • I'm looking for a cloth for cleaning silver. Do you have such a thing? 我在找擦银器的布。你有这样的东西吗?

    • Present on this grand occasion were Andrew Davies, Melissa Peters, and other such stars. 出席这次盛大典礼的有安德鲁‧戴维斯、梅利莎‧彼得斯等大牌明星。

    • I tried to tell her in such a way that she wouldn't get offended. 我尽量用一种不得罪她的方式告诉她。

    • He said it was an Edwardian washstand or some such thing - I can't remember exactly. 他说那是一个爱德华时代的盥洗盆之类的东西——我记不清了。

    • old-fashioned informal I just bought one or two things - bread and milk and such (also suchlike). 我只买了一两样东西——面包、牛奶之类的。

    • formal Our lunch was such (= of a type) that we don't really need dinner. 我们午饭大吃了一顿,都不怎么需要再吃晚饭了。

    • That money is to cover costs such as travel and accommodation. 那笔钱是用来支付交通费和住宿费的。

  • 2 in the true or exact meaning of the word or phrase

    • There wasn't much vegetarian food as such, although there were several different types of cheese. 尽管有几种不同的奶酪,但严格意义上的素食没有多少。

    • We don't have a secretary as such, but we do have a student who comes in to do some filing. 我们没有真正意义上的秘书,不过确实有个学生来做些文件整理工作。








