
These are word's definitions related to fancy. Click on any word to go to its word's detail page. Or, 更多关于fancy的信息


  • 0 to want to have or do something

    • Do you fancy a drink this evening? 你今晚想喝一杯吗?

    • [ + -ing verb ] I didn't fancy swimming in that water. 我不想在那水里游泳。

    • He could tell she fancied him. 他看得出她喜欢他。

    • That Dave really fancies himself, doesn't he? 那个戴夫挺自命不凡的,是吧?

  • 1 to imagine or think that something is so

    • He fancies himself as a bit of a singer. 他认为自己多少是个歌手。

    • [ + to infinitive ] Who do you fancy to win the Cup this year? 你认为今年谁会赢得杯赛?

    • [ + (that) ] literary I fancied (that) I saw something moving in the corner. 我觉得看见角落里有东西在动。

    • old-fashioned This isn't the first time this has happened, I fancy. 我想,这不是第一次发生这种事了。

    • Fancy seeing you here! 没想到在这里遇见你!

    • "They have eight children." "Fancy that (= how surprising)!" “他们有8个孩子。”“真想不到啊!”

  • 2 decorative or complicated

    • I wanted a simple black dress, nothing fancy. 我想要一件简洁的黑色礼服,不要花哨的东西。

    • The decorations were a little too fancy for my tastes. 这种装饰风格过于繁复,不合我的喜好。

    • fancy cakes 花式蛋糕

  • 3 expensive

    • We stayed in a fancy hotel near the Champs-Élysées. 我们住在香榭丽舍大街附近一家豪华的酒店里。

    • a fancy restaurant 豪华餐厅

  • 4 something that you like very much for a short period

    • But for me, parachuting was no passing fancy. 但是对我来说,跳伞可不是一时的兴趣。

    • Laura's taken a fancy to Japanese food. 劳拉喜欢上了日本料理。

    • I looked in a lot of clothes shops but nothing really tickled my fancy. 我逛了很多服装店,但没什么衣服让我中意。

    • She has enough money to buy anything that strikes her fancy. 她有足够的钱想买什么就买什么。

  • 5 the imagination








