
  • 0 a person who does something, especially helping other people, willingly and without being forced or paid to do it -- 自願參加者,(尤指幫助別人的)志願者

    • It's a volunteer army with no paid professionals. 這是一支志願軍,沒有領軍餉的職業軍人。

    • Since it would be a highly dangerous mission, the Lieutenant asked for volunteers. 由於那項任務非常危險,所以中尉請大家自告奮勇。

    • The Health clinic is relying on volunteers to run the office and answer the phones. 這家健康門診依靠志願者來負責辦公室的日常工作和接聽電話。

  • 1 to offer to do something that you do not have to do, often without having been asked to do it and/or without expecting payment -- 自願做;無償做;作志願者;主動提出做

    • [ + speech ] "I saw her going out of the main entrance half an hour ago," he volunteered. 「我見她在大約半個小時之前從主出入口走了出來。」他主動說道。

    • If I were you, I wouldn't volunteer any details of what happened. 要是我的話,我不會主動說出所發生事情的任何細節。

    • humorous My friends volunteered me to do the talking. 我的朋友們推舉我去講話。

    • I volunteered myself for the position of Health and Safety Representative. 我自告奮勇擔任衛生與安全代表一職。

    • He volunteered for the army (= he joined even though he did not have to). 他自願參軍。

    • [ + to infinitive ] During the emergency many staff volunteered to work through the weekend. 緊急時刻,很多員工都自願週末加班。



  • The role of mass media and the impact of volunteers are discussed in the next two chapters.

  • The volunteers, on the other hand, were at least from the next generation, compared to the cultivated variety from which they were lost.

  • In every community there are personnel (for example, key workers, volunteers, 'community gatekeepers') who are also consulted by its members at times of need.

  • The feedback from volunteers in our target audience, advanced and intermediate users, suggests that we may have achieved our cognitive objectives.

  • Effects of catecholamine depletion on alertness and mood in rested and sleep deprived normal volunteers.

  • However, everything depended on human cases to provide infective material and volunteers to detect it.

  • Ninety-five people volunteered to participate and answered a face-to-face questionnaire in the presence of an interpreter, after written informed consent was obtained.

  • Although available to all volunteers who have expenses, in practice honorary executives of voluntary agencies are those most likely to receive the payment.








