
  • 0 in or at a place having a position that is not stated or not known -- 在某處,在某地

    • Wouldn't you like to go to Disneyland or somewhere (= or to a similar place)? 你不願意去迪士尼樂園或類似的什麽地方嗎?

    • Can we go somewhere else to talk - it's very noisy here. 我們能否另外找個地方談——這裡太吵了。

    • [ + to infinitive ] I'm looking for somewhere to eat/stay. 我在找吃飯/住的地方。

    • You must have put their letter somewhere! 你一定把他們的信放在什麽地方了!

    • He was last heard of living somewhere on the south coast of France. 最後一次聽到關於他的消息時,說他住在法國南海岸的某地。

  • 1 approximately; about -- 大約

    • The company's annual turnover is somewhere around $70.7 million. 該公司的年營業額約在7070萬美元左右。

    • It will take us somewhere between three and four hours to get back. 我們在回去的路上約會花上三到四個小時。

    • Somewhere between 900 and 1,100 minor crimes are reported in this city every week. 據報導,該城每週大約會發生900到1100宗輕微罪案。



  • I wonder how many other people there were who started to write with that picture of the boy led away somewhere in their head?

  • The young man in the story is an actor travelling from one place to another in search of somewhere to perform.

  • He thought we were getting somewhere, but now he's not so sure.

  • The biological-design argument proceeds as follows (again in rough outline) : it's incredibly unlikely that biologically complex organisms would exist somewhere or other in our universe.

  • However, it does go somewhere to addressing some.

  • The truth of the matter probably lies somewhere in between.

  • The corresponding standard range for the sociotropic effect is somewhere between 2.8 and 5.3 per cent.

  • We assume here that the events causing slots to change their values are described somewhere else in the ontology as concepts themselves.








