
  • 0 a piece of information that is only known by one person or a few people and should not be told to others -- 秘密

    • So what's the secret of being a good cook? 那麽要成爲好廚師,有甚麽秘訣嗎?

    • the secrets of the universe 宇宙的奧秘

    • That restaurant is one of the best-kept secrets in Rome. 那個餐廳是羅馬最鮮爲人知的地方之一。

    • She makes no secret of (= makes very clear) her dislike of her father. 她毫不掩飾自己對父親的反感。

    • There's no secret (= everyone knows) about his homosexuality. 他是同性戀,這已不是秘密了。

    • Aren't you going to let me in on (= tell me) the secret? 難道你不打算告訴我這個秘密?

    • A close couple should have no secrets from each other. 關係親密的夫妻之間應該是沒有秘密的。

    • Why did you have to go and tell Bob about my illness? You just can't keep a secret, can you? 你爲甚麽一定要跑去把我生病的事告訴鮑勃?你就是不能保守秘密,是嗎?

  • 1 If something is secret, other people are not allowed to know about it. -- 秘密的,保密的



  • We keep secrets from ourselves that all along we know.

  • The old aristocrats had some secrets, or amabanga, as well.

  • To the antebellum rogue, the city's gigantic web of secrets held unlimited financial rewards, if only it could be interpreted properly.

  • In the degraded moral climate of the city, secrets were easily translatable into commodities.

  • Without giving away current editorial secrets, we agreed on the following stages.

  • Furthermore, the trust that developed through the befriender's continuity and reliability allowed secrets to be shared.

  • Both stories are constructed around shameful secrets and unmentionable activities.

  • I consider three "sites" from which meaning is generated: the spectacle; otherness and sameness/misrecognition and identity; and secrets and closets.








