
  • 0 to be able to bring back a piece of information into your mind, or to keep a piece of information in your memory -- 記得,記起,回想起;記住,牢記

    • My cousin remembered me in her will. 我表姐在遺囑中給我留下一筆錢。

    • My Granny always remembers me (= sends me a present) on my birthday. 我過生日時我奶奶總是送我禮物。

    • On 11 November, the British remember those who died in the two World Wars. 英國人在每年的11月11日紀念兩次世界大戰中的死難者。

    • We went and had tea in that little café - you remember, the one next to the bookshop. 我們去了一家小咖啡廳喝茶——你沒有忘吧,書店旁邊的那間咖啡廳。

    • She will be remembered for her courage. 她將因其勇敢而被人們銘記。

    • Did you remember to do the shopping? 你記得去商店買東西了嗎?

    • I remember him as (= I thought he was) a rather annoying man. 在我記憶中,他是個很令人討厭的人。

    • [ + question word ] Can you remember what her phone number is? 你記得她的電話號碼是多少嗎?

    • [ + -ing verb ] I don't remember signing a contract. 我不記得曾簽過一份合同。

    • [ + (that) ] She suddenly remembered (that) her keys were in her other bag. 她忽然想起她的鎖匙放在另一個包裡了。

    • I can remember people's faces, but not their names. 我可以記住人的長相,但記不住人的名字。

    • "Where did you park the car?" "I can't remember." 「你把車停在哪裡了?」「我不記得了。」



  • Total solar eclipses are rarer still and are so striking-turning day into night-that they are well remembered.

  • One writer in his thir ties today remembers his childhood.

  • Terms that are only marginally covered can be remembered as detailed topics in the context of the important topics.

  • In so doing, the author argues that new target words or structures can be more easily remembered and retrieved more quickly.

  • Recall was minimal, all participants remembered their overall score, but only three remembered other details.

  • I asked her if she remembered any of the poems she used to recite for us when we were kids.

  • Evaluate them if you wish, remembering always that different rankings will be produced from different perspectives, including the perspectives of different concepts of faith.

  • However, he is best remembered for about 40 fine lines that he drew crossing the bright red areas, canali as he called them.








