
  • 0 the things that you do or the time that you spend preparing for something -- 準備工作;準備,預備

    • Preparations for the opening ceremony are well under way. 開幕式的準備工作正在順利進行中。

    • [ + to infinitive ] We are making preparations to fly Mr Goodall to the nearest hospital. 我們正在著手準備透過飛機將古多爾先生送往最近的一家醫院。

    • Yasmin assisted in the preparation of this article. 亞斯明幫忙做了一些這篇文章的準備工作。

    • The team blamed injuries and lack of preparation for their failure to win. 這支球隊把他們未能獲勝歸咎於受傷和準備不充分。

    • The teacher didn't seem to have done much preparation for the class. 看來這位教師這堂課準備得不是太充分。

  • 1 a mixture of substances, often for use as a medicine -- 配製品;(常指醫藥)製劑

    • a preparation for nappy rash 治療尿布疹的藥劑



  • Admittedly, the task for the knowledge engineer does get harder, because the elicitation sessions require much more preparation.

  • The procedure of the proposed system design contains input data preparation and neural network training stages.

  • Four of the non-retired respondents did not answer the three questions on thought, preparation and expected comfort.

  • During conceptual preparation, a speaker decides on the conceptual information to be verbally expressed, called the ' 'message' ' concepts.

  • Such variability and the presence of flagella and microtubules in their preparations make their data not comparable with ours.

  • This practice is, perhaps, more critical in the preparation of fish served with bones in and skin on, than in the cooking of fillets.

  • Rated as least useful were: general education courses, courses in methodology, and general preparation in the use of the target language.

  • Preparation for the end of life and the role of communication in understanding anticipated physical changes and spiritual changes involve the whole family.








