
  • 0 to press something very hard so that it is broken or its shape is destroyed -- 壓扁;壓壞;壓碎

    • Tragedy struck when several people were crushed to death in the crowd. 悲劇發生了,人群中有好幾個人被擠死。

    • My dress got all crushed in my suitcase. 我的衣服在手提箱裡全給弄皺了。

    • His arm was badly crushed in the car accident. 他的手臂在車禍中被壓成重傷。

    • Add three cloves of crushed garlic. 加入三瓣搗碎的大蒜。

    • The package had been badly crushed in the post. 包裹在郵寄過程中被壓而嚴重受損。

  • 1 to upset or shock someone badly -- 使極度傷心;使震驚

    • He was crushed by the news of the accident. 發生事故的消息讓他很震驚。

  • 2 to defeat someone completely -- 徹底擊敗;徹底擊垮

    • France crushed Wales by 36 to 3 in last Saturday's match in Paris. 上週六在巴黎的比賽中法國隊以36比3大勝威爾士隊。

    • The president called upon the army to help crush the rebellion. 總統號召軍隊協助粉碎叛亂。

  • 3 a strong but temporary feeling of liking someone -- (短暫的)迷戀,熱戀,愛慕

    • She has a crush on one of her teachers at school. 她迷戀上了學校裡的一位老師。

  • 4 a crowd of people forced to stand close together -- 擁擠的人群

    • UK You can come in our car, but it'll be a bit of a crush (= there will be a lot of people in it). 你可以上我們的車,不過要受點擠。

    • I had to struggle through the crush to get to the door. 我不得不奮力擠出擁擠的人群來到門口。



  • They were then maintained in miracidia-free conditions for a period of 5 weeks prior to crushing to ascertain whether they had acquired infection.

  • These ruminants swallow most food items whole or slightly crushed: the resulting large particles represented an average 49-52% of each stomach's contents.

  • Multiplying instances of such deadlocks builds up a stifling atmosphere in the text, crushing the reasonable reader's silent replies.

  • After the rebellion was crushed, neither the court nor the traditional forces had any use for the amir anymore.

  • Cattle were provided with water and crushed palm oil kernel when grass was unavailable.

  • The teeth are typically of crushing type with a finely punctuated occlusal face.

  • The crush zone is intensely faulted and fractured, with pseudotachylite comprising > 50 to 70 vol. % and precluding any preservation of kinematic indicators.

  • Considerable amounts of rubbish remained at the soil surface, including crushed lead batteries, copper artefacts, used food cans, and building materials.








