
  • 0 an injury or mark where the skin has not been broken but is darker in colour, often as a result of being hit by something -- 碰傷;瘀傷

    • One or two of the peaches had bruises on them. 有一兩個桃子上有碰傷的痕跡。

    • She had a few cuts and bruises but nothing serious. 她有幾處傷口和瘀痕,但不嚴重。

    • His arms and back were covered in bruises. 他手臂和背部到處是瘀傷。

  • 1 to develop a bruise or to cause someone or something to have a bruise -- (使)出現傷痕;撞傷;碰傷

    • Bananas and other soft fruits bruise easily. 香蕉和其他較軟的水果都極易碰傷。

    • How did you bruise your arm? 你胳膊上的瘀傷是怎麽弄的?



  • In both, participants have fans and cheerleaders, learn and practice complex material, and often emerge from their contests battered and bruised.

  • Likewise, apples with easily bruised skins or skin that has a speckled, or russeted, appearance can't be sold to this outlet.

  • The second example of alliteration is 'brown and bruised'.

  • Because they will be handled heavily in the process of packaging, transporting and displaying, only varieties resistant to bruising can be marketed this way.

  • He never fails to hit the mark, as the purple bruises on the actress's body clearly show.

  • The distinctiveness of psychic bruises can be displayed analytically through forms of distress that inherently contain judgments, such as the feelings of 18.

  • The fruits appear to be at the peak of ripeness ; no bruises or scratches mar their surfaces.

  • The minimal amount of handling means that varieties sold in this way can be more susceptible to bruising without adverse effect.








