
  • 0 used to say you have read or been told something although you are not certain it is true -- 據…所知;看來;據說;聽說

    • An 80-year-old woman was badly hurt in what the police describe as an apparently motiveless attack (= an attack for no apparent reason). 一位80歲的老太太遇襲受重傷,警方稱這似乎是一次無動機襲擊。

    • I thought they were married but apparently not (= they are not married). 我以為他們結婚了,但實際上並不是這樣。

    • She looks about ten, but apparently she's 14. 她看上去差不多10歲,可實際上都14歲了。

    • You know I told you Alice's party was on the 13th? Well I saw her last night and apparently it's on the 14th. 你還記得我告訴過你愛麗絲的聚會在13號舉行,可是我昨晚見到她後得知實際上是14號。

    • Apparently he's had enough of England and is going back to Australia. 據說他在英格蘭呆夠了,要回澳大利亞。

    • Apparently it's going to rain today. 看來今天會下雨。



  • Apparently, a more thorough refurbishment was required: one that also involved the dramatic structure.

  • Again, we should note that the origin of these simulations apparently is not in the real life of the dreamer.

  • Instead, it lists some simple words that it apparently hopes young, hip readers will associate with its jeans.

  • The editor, apparently without a hint of irony, suggests that readers photocopy it and distribute the parts for singing.

  • It is the apparently homogeneous nature of the endemic populations, presumably a property of their large size, which make this analysis possible.

  • Nevertheless, the possibilities of sublingual routes (see next section) with their apparently decreased adverse events remain to be fully explored.

  • It is apparently not known who created the role in 1786.

  • Apparently, the strategies applied by those groups of subjects differed.








