
  • 0 the period of time someone has been alive or something has existed -- 年齡,年紀;存在時間

    • His girlfriend's twice his age (= twice as old as he is). 他的女朋友年齡比他大一倍。

    • I'm really beginning to feel my age (= feel old). 我真的開始覺得老了。

    • She's starting to show/look her age (= to look as old as she is). 她開始看上去與實際年齡一般大了。

    • I was married with four children at your age. 像你這麼大的時候我已經結了婚並且有了四個孩子。

    • He left home at the age of 16. 他16歲時離開了家。

    • She was 74 years of age when she wrote her first novel. 她寫第一本小說時是74歲。

    • I'd guess she's about my age (= she is about as old as I am). 我猜她和我年齡差不多。

    • What age (= how old) is your brother? 你弟弟多大了?

    • Do you know the age of that building? 你知道那座樓的歷史有多久嗎?

  • 1 a particular period in time -- 時代;時期

  • 2 a very long time -- 很長時間

    • It's been ages/an age since we last spoke. 我們好長時間沒有交談了。

    • I've been waiting for ages. 我已經等了很長時間了。

    • It takes ages to cook. 做飯要花很長時間。

  • 3 the fact of being or getting older -- 年老;衰老;老化;陳年

    • Her temper hasn't improved with age! 她的脾氣一點沒有隨著年齡增長而變好!

    • This cheese/wine improves with age. 這種起司/酒放的時間越長越好。

    • Her back was bent with age. 隨著年紀漸長,她的背駝了。

  • 4 If someone ages or something ages them, they look older. -- 衰老,使…顯得蒼老

    • The brandy is aged in oak for ten years. 這種白蘭地在橡木桶中陳釀了十年。

    • She's aged since the last time we met. 她顯得比我們上次見面時老了。

  • 5 used to form nouns that refer to the action or result of something -- (構成名詞,表示動作或結果)



  • Deductions about orientation and orientation response of infants aged 1^% to years.

  • By 4 years of age the weight distribution of these children was relatively poor.

  • The majority of women (55-4 %) were aged 17-25 years.

  • There was a difference of about a year in average age.

  • The age at onset was between 44 and 73 years.

  • They were adults from twenty-one to thirty-five years of age.

  • The age of the supracrustal rocks is unknown.

  • Their age varied between 4 days and 3 years.








