
  • 0 to legally take another person's child into your own family and take care of him or her as your own child -- 收養;領養

    • They have no children of their own, but they're hoping to adopt. 他們沒有親生子女,但是希望能領養。

    • She had the child adopted (= she gave her baby to someone else to take care of). 她把自己的孩子送給別人撫養。

    • They've adopted a baby girl. 他們領養了一個女嬰。

  • 1 to accept or start to use something new -- 接受;採用;採納

  • 2 to choose someone or something or take something as your own -- 選定;選用;採用

    • Roz has adopted one or two funny mannerisms since she's been away. 羅茲自她離開後養成了一兩種可笑的怪癖。

    • Dr Kennedy has been adopted as the party's candidate for South Cambridge. 甘迺迪博士被選定為該黨南劍橋地區的候選人。



  • The latter are still in use, but have been adopted exclusively by members of the political class and business people.

  • In adopting such self-reliant approaches, entrepreneurship, a sense of pride, self-fulfilment and achievement are evident among community members.

  • She argues that care is needed to avoid primary-age children being encouraged into adopting an adult-style learning approach, which they are too immature to handle.

  • A key par t of this "strengthening" movement was to unify the nation by adopting one language as the standard.

  • The use of only revolute and prismatic pairs is adopted by reason of their genericity and technological implementation.

  • In principle this was much like multi-pillar systems that have recently been adopted in other countries around the world.

  • The 1998 table is similar to the new table that was adopted in 2004 for men but overstates mortality for women.

  • The procedure adopted by the practice for communicating test results involved direct communication of screen-positive results only.








