
  • 0 in fact or really -- 實際上;事實上;的確

    • So what actually happened? 那麼到底發生了甚麼事呢?

    • I didn't actually see her - I just heard her voice. 實際上我並沒有看見她,只是聽到了她的聲音。

  • 1 used in sentences in which there is information that is in some way surprising or the opposite of what most people would expect -- (表示意外或與通常預期的相反)居然,竟然

    • humorous Don't tell me he actually paid for you! 別跟我說他居然替你付了錢!

    • I'm one of the few people who doesn't actually like champagne. 少數人還真是不喜歡香檳酒,我就是其中之一。

    • I didn't like him at first, but in the end I actually got quite fond of him. 起初我對他並沒有好感,可最後我竟然挺喜歡他的。

  • 2 used as a way of making a sentence slightly more polite, for example when you are expressing an opposing opinion, correcting what someone else has said, or refusing an offer -- (用於禮貌地表示反對、糾正他人或拒絕他人提議等)其實,說實話,實際上

    • "Do you mind if I smoke?" "Well, actually, I'd rather you didn't." 「我抽支煙你介意嗎?」「嗯,說實話,我希望你還是別抽。」

    • Actually, Gavin, it was Tuesday of last week, not Wednesday. 實際上呢,加文,那是上星期二,不是星期三。

    • "Alexander looks like he'd be good at sports." "Actually, he's not." 「亞歷山大看來很擅長運動。」「事實並非如此。」



  • This account might receive further support if the verbs actually attested with habitual do tended to have action nouns based on them.

  • Regardless of how they actually speak, then, these students are perceived as speaking "worse" than other students.

  • The other way is to actually perform the symbolic evaluation.

  • How might a lowland farm actually respond to the technical change?

  • Technical regulation and enforcement may have actually declined in effectiveness until recent reforms were implemented.

  • To determine whether children actually produced ' happen ' more often in negative than positive contexts, the order of occurrence of surrounding utterances within episodes was examined.

  • Daily productivity is actually low due to low radiation levels and a cool growing season.

  • Actually, they appear to the electorate as responsible parties contributing to the governance of the country.








