
These are word's examples related to opposition. Click on any word to go to its word's detail page. Or, 更多关于opposition的信息


  • Plans to desegregate the schools met with opposition.

  • She left home in the face of strong opposition from her parents.

  • The company took no heed of public opposition to the plans.

  • The strength of the opposition was rather more than she'd bargained for.

  • The plan for a new office tower went ahead regardless of local opposition.

  • What he misses is the tension of unreconciled oppositions and the excitement of an experiment in motion.

  • The former is based on simple binary systems of oppositions and can be glossed as the preserve of autonomy.

  • Additive relations are considered contrastive when they are exceptions or oppositions, but there is no causal relationship between the segments.

  • I would call those oppositions between society and the material world, subject and object, history and nature, dualisms.

  • We may then finally be able to resolve the historical oppositions between events and structure, between agency a nd evolution, between processual and postprocessual approaches.

  • To sum up, the conventional understanding of market relationships can be expressed by two oppositions: market/social and self-regarding/ self-sacrificing.

  • In practical terms, these gendered oppositions contributed substantially to the shape of repression in the postwar period.

  • In most of these cases, what one actually finds are typical local oppositions, loyal to statewide powerholders and organised along familiar clientelistic and personalistic lines.

  • What interactional resources are used to create, display, sustain, and escalate social oppositions?

  • Thus, were the opposition's dilatory tactics particularly troublesome, time could be extended.

  • Proposition 2b predicts that the government's agenda will become either less contentious or smaller or both when the opposition's power to delay is enhanced.

  • Considering the circumstances, one can argue that these simple, structured binary oppositions did have some logical appeal.

  • The ordering of oppositions on the stressed levels is determined by means of the phonic substance that differentiates the forms.

  • The two groups and their identities, in other words, were and still are constituted through an array of dialectic oppositions.

  • The second set corresponds to those morphosyntactic properties that reflect syntactic or semantic oppositions such as tense or agreement.









