
These are word's definitions related to suppose. Click on any word to go to its word's detail page. Or, 更多关于suppose的信息


  • 0 to think that something is likely to be true

    • [ + (that) ] Dan didn't answer his phone, so I suppose (that) he's busy. 丹沒有接我的電話,所以我想他應該很忙。

    • He found it a lot more difficult to get a job than he supposed it would be. 他發現找工作比他想像的要難多了。

    • [ + (that) ] Do you suppose (that) Gillian will marry him? 你認為吉莉恩會嫁給他嗎?

    • It is widely supposed (that) the CEO will be forced to resign. 很多人都猜測總裁會被迫辭職。

    • [ + to infinitive ] We all supposed him to be German, but in fact he was Swiss. 我們都以為他是德國人,但事實上他是瑞士人。

    • Her new book is supposed to be (= generally people think it is) very good. 很多人都認為她的新書寫得非常好。

    • I suppose (that) all the tickets will be sold by now. 我想現在所有票恐怕都已經賣完了。

    • I suppose (that) you're going to be late again. 我看你又要遲到了。

    • I suppose (that) you think that's funny. Well, I certainly don't. 我想你會認為這很有趣。但我一點也不這麼認為。

    • "Can I go out tonight?" "Oh, I suppose so." 「我今晚能出去嗎?」「哦,可以吧。」

    • [ + (that) ] I don't agree with it, but I suppose (that) it's for the best. 我對此並不贊同,但我想這也是最好的辦法了。

    • I don't suppose (that) you could lend me £5 till tomorrow? 您能借給我5英鎊,我明天還給您嗎?

  • 1 to expect and need

    • Investment of this kind supposes (= would not be possible without) an increase in the company's profits this year. 公司今年的利潤要有成長才能進行這樣的投資。

  • 2 used at the beginning of a sentence or clause to mean 'what would happen if'

    • Suppose we miss the train - what will we do then? 假設我們錯過了火車——那我們該怎麼辦?

    • We'd love to come and see you on Saturday, supposing (= if) I don't have to work that day. 如果我星期六不用上班的話,我們會來看你。








